Sunday, May 16, 2010

David Cameron - New British PM

Though the hype was perhaps a bit exaggerated for any real opinions to be expressed, I have rather mixed feelings about David Cameron - now Britain's new Prime Minister and the head of Britain's first coalition government since WWII. A well educated Oxford graduate & a classic "progressive" conservative.

A few promises that he intends to keep:

1) Cut off $9 billion (six billion pounds) in government spendings. (Another Recession?)

2) Agreed to a national referendum on electoral reform.

3) Agreed on fixed-term, five-year parliamentary terms – a pledge that, if Canada’s experience is any guide, may not be as firm as it sounds.

4) National Health Service, Britain’s version of medicare.

He certainly seems like the better choice than the centre-left politician Gordon Brown, to which he was PM since 2007, and a rather moderate one to say the least. And of course, the centrist to centre-left Liberal Democratic, Nick Clegg - Now the deputy PM, and fellow coalitionist.

He seems to be focusing on deficit reduction rather than employment growth. Only in time shall we see how the economic prospectus prospers, or utterly fails like that of the great depression.

Here is an interview of some of his hopes for Britain's new Coalition party:

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