(Aug. 9) -- News that Hewlett-Packard employee Vinay Deolalikar may have solved one of computer science's most confounding mathematical problems -- known as P = NP or P versus NP -- is buzzing around the smart side of the Internet. The problem was formulated by Stephen Cook and Leonid Levin in 1971, according to the Clay Mathematics Institute, which has been offering a $1 million prize for its solution. Now, mathematicians are in the process of scrutinizing Deolalikar's proof, released on Friday, which says that P is not in fact equal to NP.
P versus NP
Roughly, the mathematical problem asks if "questions exist whose answer can be quickly checked, but which require an impossibly long time to solve by any direct procedure," according to the Clay Mathematics Institute. In other words, are there really problems whose solutions can be easily verified but not easily solved?
To illustrate the type of problem that could occur if this were true, Clay imagines a college housing scenario wherein 400 students have applied for rooms at a college that can only accommodate 100 of them. A selection of 100 students must be paired together in rooms, but the dean of students has a list of pairings of certain students who cannot room together. The total possible number of pairings is ridiculously large -- more than the total number of atoms in the universe -- but the solutions, i.e. the list of pairings finally provided to the dean, is easy to check for errors: If one of the dean's prohibited pairs is on the list, that's an error.
If P = NP, then problems that appear hard to solve (as the one above) actually have very easy solutions. Deolalikar says he has proven that P does not equal NP -- as many mathematicians have believed -- meaning problems do exist that are easier to solve than to verify.
P versus NP
Roughly, the mathematical problem asks if "questions exist whose answer can be quickly checked, but which require an impossibly long time to solve by any direct procedure," according to the Clay Mathematics Institute. In other words, are there really problems whose solutions can be easily verified but not easily solved?
To illustrate the type of problem that could occur if this were true, Clay imagines a college housing scenario wherein 400 students have applied for rooms at a college that can only accommodate 100 of them. A selection of 100 students must be paired together in rooms, but the dean of students has a list of pairings of certain students who cannot room together. The total possible number of pairings is ridiculously large -- more than the total number of atoms in the universe -- but the solutions, i.e. the list of pairings finally provided to the dean, is easy to check for errors: If one of the dean's prohibited pairs is on the list, that's an error.
If P = NP, then problems that appear hard to solve (as the one above) actually have very easy solutions. Deolalikar says he has proven that P does not equal NP -- as many mathematicians have believed -- meaning problems do exist that are easier to solve than to verify.
In the equation P = NP, P stands for "polynomial time" and refers to a set of problems whose solutions are easy to find.
NP, meanwhile, stands for "non-deterministic polynomial time" and refers to a set of problems whose solutions are hard to find, but easy to verify.
A set of instructions used to solve a problem. We use them without thinking about it in everyday life, such as when trying to figure out why a lamp doesn't turn on.
The number of elements involved in an algorithm. The time it takes to execute many common algorithms is proportional to N or N raised to a power. For example, to determine why a lamp is not working, we might consider three elements:
With only three elements to consider, our algorithm will not take very long to complete. But, if we are trying to determine why our computer won't turn on, we are presented with more elements to consider: Is it plugged in? Is it frozen? Does it need to be rebooted? Does the operating software need to be re-installed? Is it broken? And so on.1. The lamp is not plugged in.
2. The light bulb is burnt out.
3. The lamp is broken.
Polynomial time
Refers to a "fast" or "efficient" amount of time needed to execute an algorithm, as in N or N raised to a power. Problems classified by "P" in P = NP are those whose solutions can be solved in polynomial time. Problems classified by "NP" can be verified in polynomial time but require exponential time (in other words, far, far more time) to solve.
The set of NP problems (the majority of NP problems, in fact) that could be solved by adapting a single, easy solution, if an easy solution were possible.
Read more about P = NP on MIT's website.
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